2 Exploits Discovered in Dominion Voting Software so Far! - Drain the Swamp!

This is going to cause a lot of cognitive dissonance with people who don't understand what sysadmin is or what that would legally imply in the case of election fraud, expect very uninformed masses of rampant leftists to have childish outbursts when they don't want to learn about the intricacies of technology and networking in specific. There is zero hope this will get a rational reaction from anyone on the left wing who is partisan in their involvement.

Tom Thorp & CodeMonkeyZ have both found exploits in the Dominion Consensus Software

If you can not understand this, you will not understand why Trump has won. People who are sysadmins and violated this contract and are going to jail and I am going to laugh at them while I enjoy the popcorn I get to eat as a freeman. No amount of money is worth selling out your democracy fools. The founding fathers separated church & state to avoid this problem in the first place.

This is likely where one kind of exploit of the election process could have occured.

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