RE: Two guarantees

Income taxes in my country are very high, so employers resort to an illegal act, they pay workers illegally.
The worker thus receives a larger amount of money, the employer pays less, and the state budget is at a loss...
The worker is also at a loss, but the one who agrees to work illegally is usually forced to do such an act.
What happened to me a few years ago?
I live with my partner in the apartment where I am registered for the address of residence. When my father, the owner of the apartment where he and my mother lived, passed away, we agreed to divide the ownership of the apartment between my mother. my brother and me.
As I am registered at another address, because I cannot reside in two at the same time, I was not able to take advantage of the tax discount, and for that reason I pay tax approx. 300Hive 🙂(at the current price) more than my brother and mother.
The tax must be paid, and for the rest what is left...

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