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Doodler going digital!

Things. Have. Been. BUSY. So, I decided to spend the weekend focused on fun! This meant catching up on my favorite blockchain, sharing a small update post, and reuniting with my inner gamer.

With the recent launch of the Hive $PIZZA Minecraft server, I have admittedly been staying up way too late playing. All I have to say is that- I regret nothing! It was well worth it, even though I spent an enormous amount of time turning cobblestone back into normal stone.

PS: Everyone is welcome to come play!

But I digress...

The majority of my recent doodles have been me trying new things and feeling them out with no real pressure or guarantee that the result is going to work out. I am in a very go-with-the-flow type of creativity pattern right now.

So instead of my normal "progression style" blog post, I figured I would share 3 separate pieces I had completed from the beginning of the month. One of these can be collected by progressing through the NyxLabs RPG, Styx. You do need an account to explore the site but it is a project well worth exploring and looking into. Lots of blood and sweat get poured in every day.

A few notes before we get started.

  1. I would like to slightly apologize for the ugly watermarking. This isn't something I plan on doing regularly. This is just an exception for this particular circumstance.

  2. This is just artist commentary and my opinions. Not a commentary on the game or its ongoing story.

Now that's over with, let's share some art!

Meet "starry quackers" who is now formally named the Astral Robin (much prettier, right? haha). When I started I had no concept in mind but instead a scene. Not to get all poetic, but just simple imagery of a calm glass-like lake that reflected the sky up into the ether! Then I thought about what kind of beautiful creature I would want to live there and this bird was the final result.

He is also a slide ode to the Stellar Jay that lives in the tree outside my window. He may not sing well, but at least he is beautiful. Fun fact: this isn't even it's the final form. To check out the Astral Robin in all its glory make sure to follow the link for Styx that was provided above!

Supriiiise, more gemstones! Who would have guessed!
I am sure after taking a look at the bluestone you can tell it was made in tandem with the Astral Robin. I wasn't quite sure exactly how but in my head, there is definitely a connection between the two. Plus, doesn't this stone feel lucky? Like it would bring whoever finds it, good fortune, and possibly the ability to summon a magical bird in a time of need, haha.

Anywho, with both of these, the goal was to craft stones that gave the appearance of radiating energy. For them to feel alive. It may be kind of hard to tell with those grey and white checkers behind but on a nice calm dark color, these look way better.

As for the emerald, I have no explanation for the "shelves" as I have taken to calling them. I wanted the stone to be quirky but in a rarity sort of way. Mostly, it was me exploring new things. Like taking a similar shape and trying to make it unique and different in its own defining ways.

I don't normally doodle free form in digital art. So this was a real rarity for me. Typically most of my doodles are drafted on paper. But ya know, just gotta mix it up sometimes. Keep things a little spicy, haha.

Special Thanks to:

@nyxlabs project developed by @zeroooc

Much love for the #artbees community. A great group of artists centered on community and friendly exchanges of art and art-related topics art bees discord
