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{ Colored Sketch } Bleu

A colored sketch I did because I can't sleep yesterday.

Not long ago I asked a few friends if I could draw their OCs for practice, they gave me the go. So here I am, finally getting on it.

The character name is Bleu. I thoguh she was european but NOPE, she's japanese and the explanation I got was that her family gives zero fuck about nationality and choose baby names they like.

We can't judge a book for its cover amiright?

That aside, I really love her, her design and personality are very unique. Though I'm glad her clothes weren't extra-complex this time around, because I know Bleu likes to dress in lolita style and not the minimalist, artist-friendly ones, but these with a shitown of frills, bows and accesories.

Doged a bullet there(?)