Flowers and insects from the garden

Good Morning,

The sky is gray and clouded outside and the humidity is 96%, it looks like there wil be a lot of rain again today.

But before the rain i went into the garden to capture some photos of flowers and animals in the garden.

Lets start with some flowers

The Lily of the valley or as we Dutch call it Lelietje van dalen the scientific name is Convallaria majalis , i planted these 5 years ago and this is the first time they are flowering in my garden.

Sony A6000 + Sigma 105mm Dg Macro lens

the flowers are very small +/- 1cm in diameter and low by the ground so hard to get the camera underneath it and still make a nice picture of it.

Sony A6000 + Sigma 105mm Dg Macro lens

Sony A6000 + Sigma 105mm Dg Macro lens

Sony A6000 + Sigma 105mm Dg Macro lens

Using my other camera and other lens i was able to get better magnification of this tiny flower.

Sony A7II + Laowa 25mm F/2.8 2.5-5X Ultra-Macro

here you can see the pollen inside the flower

Sony A7II + Laowa 25mm F/2.8 2.5-5X Ultra-Macro

Sony A7II + Laowa 25mm F/2.8 2.5-5X Ultra-Macro

The tulips are still flowering along the garden path they changed colour from yellow to pink as you can see in my other post here , just incase you missed it.

Sony A6000 + Sigma 105mm Dg Macro lens

The Clematus of neighbour is still flowering and garden wild life is still using it as you will see in a moment .

Sony A6000 + Sigma 105mm Dg Macro lens

This tiny flower was bussy unfolding it self for the sun you can see the pollen and piston

Sony A7II + Laowa 25mm F/2.8 2.5-5X Ultra-Macro

Sony A7II + Laowa 25mm F/2.8 2.5-5X Ultra-Macro

More pollen from a different flower

Sony A7II + Laowa 25mm F/2.8 2.5-5X Ultra-Macro

Something has been chewing a hole in my dandellion seeds

Sony A7II + Laowa 25mm F/2.8 2.5-5X Ultra-Macro

and then there was this .. a flower but of the
Dicentra spectabilis 'Alba' it's a white variety of the Lamprocapnos spectabilis / bleeding heart

Sony A7II + Laowa 25mm F/2.8 2.5-5X Ultra-Macro

Next up insects and Spiders..

the spider and the bee , the crabspider caught him self another bee this morning.
Last week he also caught one as you can see in this post here

Sony A6000 + Sigma 105mm Dg Macro lens

Once the spider has bitten ,the bee get's poisend and paralysed .

Sony A6000 + Sigma 105mm Dg Macro lens

Sony A6000 + Sigma 105mm Dg Macro lens

Sony A6000 + Sigma 105mm Dg Macro lens

Sony A6000 + Sigma 105mm Dg Macro lens

And when i came back with the ultra macro lens and camera the spider had already started to suck the juice out of the bee from his ass.

Sony A7II + Laowa 25mm F/2.8 2.5-5X Ultra-Macro

Sony A7II + Laowa 25mm F/2.8 2.5-5X Ultra-Macro

And finally i saw something crawling in my lavendula, looks like a larva of some kind but i was unable to identify it.

Sony A7II + Laowa 25mm F/2.8 2.5-5X Ultra-Macro

that's all folks for today hope you enjoyed it .

All images created by me @stresskilller

Hope to see you soon on one of my Communities:

For all your macro photography @hive-15966

Tell us your story with 5 photos and 150 words @hive-14396

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