Insectphotography_Cute little beetle

Hi hivers, how are you

Long time no see, lately I've been a little busy with work, and this time I want to share some photos of insects that I met, we start with this beautiful little beetle

In my place this animal is known as ladybug, which is a type of insect, and according to my search, I found this beetle as lady bug

Koksi beetles (also called ladybugs) are small beetles that make up the family Coccinellidae. They are easily recognizable because of their small round appearance and colorful backs and in some species that have spots. Common people sometimes refer to the koksi beetle as a ladybug, because of its size and hard shield, but this beetle is not from the ladybug nation (Hemiptera). This insect is known as a farmer's friend because some of its members prey on insect pests such as aphids. However, there are some species of koksi that also eat leaves, thus becoming parasites for plants

According to the information from the source above, it can be concluded that this is not ladybug but beetle koksi (beetle ladybug), but because you are used to the term here, it's still the same, that's how it is

And furthermore, it is also a type of kumbang, but the shape and size is much different from the photo above

Berytidae, that's how the search results found the name for this animal, at first glance it looks like a twig that falls on the leaves

What he is doing, ballet, yoga or push-ups, the decision is yours😅

Using a cellphone camera does require special skills in taking pictures, but that's the best result I've had, I hope it doesn't disappoint

The following beetle has a slightly unique color, let's see if it's walang sangit or not

It looks like this is also a family of bugs, only the color and shape are different, as far as I know the bugs themselves have thousands of types, and I think this is one of the types, it's also my first time seeing this animal

Besides that, I also have other beetle drawings, let's see

This one also includes a beetle, no matter what kind, he still looks beautiful and cool, his body size is long, and the color is also very unique, and this animal is also the first time I have met

Various types of insects are very easy to find in the grass, they come and go over time, maybe even tomorrow they will be in that place again

This is a bonus for you guys, mating season has arrived, there are a lot of animals that are entering the breeding season, but those are the results I got, it's very difficult to photograph live objects, they like to fly and dodge

Thanks for everything, hope you like it

ModelsRedmi Note 11 pro + lens
Original Image@onedye46
Edit ImagePicsart Apk

My regards to @stresskiller @borjan @rima11

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