With thanks, LUVbot version 3?

LUV hasn't been able to be shared for roughly a month due to bot issues. It's back now, sort of. Here's a quick LUV history, thanks, and an update.


  • LUV started Feb. 14, 2021 but without any bot to share a token.
  • In a couple of months, I got a bot going based off of the "distribubot" script. Call this LUVbot version 1.
  • Within a year or so, the bot was switched to a derivative of the "pizza-bot" which worked better. Call this version 2.
  • v2 worked great, until Oct. 20 of this year when things just stopped.
  • The past month, I've been puzzled, frustrated, discouraged, and stuck. The LUV token itself was always alive and there, it just couldn't be shared on the chain...which is kind of the whole point of @LUVshares.


In the USA, today is Thanksgiving. Something I can say I'm thankful for is the help and positivity within the Hive community. People started offering help and ideas and well wishes. My discouragement began to sway toward encouragement.

Of particular help was that of @flaxz. Without being asked, he volunteered some ideas. Most pertinently, he mentioned that he'd created the open source alivebot, and also the bbhbot. Both of them were forks of pizza-bot. I told him I'd certainly keep that in mind.

I spent a couple of weeks trying to get the version 2 LUVbot working. Lots of tests and tries and fails, repeat. This week, I switched over to using the bbhbot as the basis. For a couple of days now, it's running, albeit with hiccups. But, it's running.

Call this LUVbot version 3.

This illustrates to me one of the best things about Hive, maybe the best: the community. The community is mostly kind and helpful. Lots of Hivers, lots of them, reached out to me in various ways to help or encourage. So, thank you all.


There is quite a bit of tweaking to do going forward with LUVbot version 3. There are a few things to note right now:

  1. It's working.
  2. Only the command ! LUV (no space) works. No other capitalization or spelling variations are working at the moment.
  3. There are only four LUV levels currently, usually there are five. So, for you "LUV legends" who are accustomed to being allowed 10 shares per day, it only shows 5 as the max now. I'll try to fix this.
  4. Discord messages are not working. Transparency has been important to me with all of these projects. Part of that is openness about token transfers. The version 2 bot had Discord messages integrated and transactions could be monitored in real time in the log channel at the LUV Discord server. For now, things can be monitored with explorers like Hiveblocks or hive.ausbit.dev or Hive-Engine explorers like he.dtools.dev
  5. Many other little things I can't think of at the moment.
  6. It may get funky. As I tweak and test and work on the other bots below, things may get weird. Things may stop working altogether at times. The way I work is this: I try to get it working, if I do, great, it works. Then I try to tweak it and usually break it, then it doesn't work. Then I try to get it working again. If I do, great, if not, I try to revert back to when it did work. Try again. It's messy.

Some other projects have run on the pizza-bot script and are now not working either but are "on the list."

  • @Helphive is currently down. The purpose of this project was to allow anyone to ask for help using the ! HELP (no space) command. This is my next thing to try to get going alongside LUV.
  • HBIT (@Hivebits) is currently down. The token itself is just fine; you can hodl it or trade it like any other token. But, it currently cannot be mined. A major premise of HBIT is that it's only released when someone "mines" it with an ! HBIT (no space) command. With the bot down, zero HBIT is mined/emitted now. Talk about scarcity! This isn't the halvening, it's the zeroing!
  • @Wusang is currently down. This, ahem, "game" is kind of tied into HBIT (though HBIT can run independently). With Wusang, you mine HBIT in the process but you also have about a 50/50 chance of randomly finding "hidden treasure tokens" (BLAQ, BLAQGOLD, BLAQEMRLD). I want to get this going again, but it requires some trickier code tweaking. My coding skills have their limits (and the limit shows itself quickly!), so the plan is work on this last and hope for the best.

That's it. Share LUV. Be thankful.

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