The Frog and the Snail


Felix, a frog with a sly smile, had an uncanny ability to transform ordinary moments into whimsical adventures. On this particular rainy day, he found himself perched atop a snail named Sherman, who, surprisingly, didn’t seem to mind the extra passenger.

As the raindrops danced from the clouds, Felix unfolded a vibrant, polka-dotted umbrella that matched his playful demeanor. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he hopped and twirled on Sherman’s shell, creating a mesmerizing spectacle that drew the attention of curious creatures in the garden.

A group of curious butterflies fluttered nearby, their delicate wings glistening with raindrops. Felix, always the showman, extended his umbrella like a makeshift stage. With each leap and bound, he transformed the snail’s slow, steady pace into a lively, rain-soaked performance.

Word quickly spread among the garden’s inhabitants about the extraordinary frog and his amphibious antics. Beetles, ladybugs, and even a wise old owl gathered to witness the spectacle. The rain turned the garden into a magical realm, with each droplet enhancing the colors and creating a symphony of pitter-pattering sounds.

Sherman, the snail, carried Felix with remarkable grace, as if the two had rehearsed this routine for ages. The enchanted garden became a stage for their impromptu performance, a testament to the joy that unexpected friendships can bring.

As the rain continued to fall, Felix’s sly smile widened. He reveled in the shared laughter and camaraderie, creating a memory that would be retold in the garden for seasons to come. And so, amid the rain-soaked petals and the soft hum of insects, the anamorphic frog and the patient snail continued their delightful dance, leaving behind a trail of smiles in the enchanted garden.

Collect on Lens Protocol.

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