Yellow Lipstick |Artblocks Don’t Exist Part 2

Hey there, how was your weekend? Yes I know it's Tuesday.


I know I was supposed to post the second part on Saturday but I was summoned by my sister to babysit Niece 1 and Niece 2 while she and husbo attended an annual general meeting for an old students association. Mind you I am also a member of that association albeit a no-dues-paying-never-attending-events member. It's always nice to spend time with the girls but I never got any rest through the weekend plus Niece 2 told me my fried egg is flat😭

Pause: New Art Alert
I had this portrait. Real simple portrait painting and I used procreate native halftone effect but it was not so interesting

So I decided to square her up and then create a shuffled tiles effect

Finally I made it seamless

I might add some more tiles on top. The verdict on which I prefer, normal or seamless? I don't know

Procreate, Yellow Lipstick, 2023, 6587 x 6000 pixels


What truly exists is the challenge in recognizing and embracing inspiration when it comes knocking.

I stated that what many artists call art block from my experience after engaging with them to find out what was wrong is that they're overly dependent on star ideas. The best approach to get over this, in my view, is to embrace a different perspective and create art without the weight of great expectations. Treat your art practice as a playground for your imagination, a canvas for experimentation. Every decision, even if it doesn't lead to a 'masterpiece,' contributes to your growth as an artist.

An essential aspect is to have a group of creative individuals around you, as they are akin to nourishment that fuels your mind with ideas. I can not overemphasise this enough especially for beginner artists. My art took a drastic leap in range when I started an art challenge in October and though it was all freestyle, I found myself creating art that flowed better with the community than my usual neo pop art style. One of the most heartwarming compliments I have received was from an artist who expressed how much my artwork inspired her. The ideal balance lies in both influencing others and being influenced yourself. Kind of like the biblical saying "iron sharpens iron".

Two premises and now the final conclusion. I recall in primary school we would end debates with a "I hope with this few points of mine, I have been able to convince you that doctors are more important than teachers" or as lawyers would say that their argument has proven beyond reasonable doubt that A is B. I could also assert my correctness, concluding that 'therefore I am right.' However, the pursuit of being right was never truly the essence. Or was it?

To those who journeyed this far, a heartfelt thank you. You've delved into the mind of a lesser-known artist, exploring both art and musings. If you have any queries about my creative process, I'd be delighted to share. Your interest means the world!

Take care and stay safe🫡


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