The Journey of 7 Oil Paintings

Hello art lovers, step into the realm of enchantment and immerse yourself in the captivating world where the night skies and the tranquility of landscapes come to life on canvas.

Starry Nights - GIF, Tui Sada

Join me as we review seven previously published paintings, where each one of them reveals a universe of wonders under the starlit heavens, showing the ethereal allure of the starry night. I invite you to explore the depths of your imagination and contemplate your place in the vastness of the universe.

Let us start the celestial journey through these beautiful oil paintings that can both be enchanting and inspiring.

The Eye of the Star, Tui Sada

The Eye of the Star (sold)

Friedrich Nietzche once said: "As long as you still experience the stars as something 'above you', you lack the eye of knowledge."

In the valley of the mountains, a journey begins to understand the stars, realizing that they are not just distant entities, but a part of our core as human beings. As we climb the mountain we are starting to understand more of our relation with them and the influence they had on our ancestors, as well as the importance they have in our lives.

Through the playful brushstrokes and colorful elements, Frank Sinatra’s timeless lyrics “Fly Me to the Moon” come to mind, where we too, can become one with the stars.

The painting was exhibited in four exhibitions in Zagreb, Croatia.
See the original post.

TuiSada - Space Seeds

Space Seeds

The first painting, titled "Space Seeds" unveils the universal life force that permeates our existence. Stars, sand, or seeds - they are all embodiments of life energy, they are all the expression of it. The painting invites you to contemplate the concept of the interconnectedness of everything.

Consider the stars, though might seem luminous entities far removed from our everyday existence, are not just distant specks of light but inseparable parts of us. We are all made out of the same essential particles that we call stardust, or as I like to call it - “space seeds”.

The painting was exhibited in London, Zagreb, Vilassar de Mar, and Barcelona. See the original post.

TuiSada - The Island of Stars

The Island of Stars

Immerse yourself in the mystical oasis where celestial beings gather, reside, and weave their magic. As the sun dips below the horizon, it becomes a sanctuary of kindness and beauty.

There you can find a community that thrives on supporting one another, where individual prosperity contributes to the well-being of the entire community. They may seem relatively isolated from the world, but they are intricately connected to it.

The painting captures the convergence of sunset and stars coming out to play with vibrant colors that ignite the imagination. It was exhibited in London, Zagreb, and Barcelona. See the original post.

TuiSada - African Dream

African Dream

Venturing further, we encounter the "African Dream," a tribute to the Earth's eternal water cycle, the lifeblood of our planet. The painting celebrates the interconnectedness of Earth’s waters, air, and life itself (the multitude of species that rely on them).

Inspired by Yann Arthus-Bertrand's documentary "Home" which reminds us that all the species on Earth (us included) have drank the same water, a fragile bond shared by everyone. With this painting, I wanted to remind everyone how vital it is to share and preserve Earth’s precious resources.

The painting was exhibited in London, Costa Brava, and Barcelona. See the original post.

TuiSada - Forbidden Forest

Forbidden Forest

In the depths of the canvas lies the mysterious “Forbidden Forest”. Venture into the enchanting embrace of nature’s living sculptures, defying gravity itself - the magnificent trees ascend towards the heavens. These marvelous creations adapt to their surroundings and nurture life, playing a vital role as the Earth’s lungs, purifying the air, and fostering harmony, they hold the key to our survival.

As seen in Yann Arthus-Bertrand's documentary "Home", the painting serves as a reminder of our own responsibility to protect these precious and essential ecosystems. It was exhibited in London, Costa Brava, and Barcelona. See the original post.

TuiSada - Nirvana


Behold the traces of our cosmic origins, where amidst the chaos of the universe, our beautiful blue planet emerged as a sanctuary of life, where water is in liquid form. This painting was also inspired by Yann Arthus-Bertrand's documentary "Home".

With its dark pink and purple hues, the reflection of the sky and the light in the water turns it into seemingly liquid gold that sustains humanity. “Nirvana” invites us to contemplate the importance of clean drinkable water in our lives and its irreplaceable role in sustaining our existence, as well as all other living beings that roam the world.

The painting was exhibited in London, Vilassar de Mar, and Barcelona. See the original post.

TuiSada - The Life of Tree

The Life of Tree

Our celestial journey culminates with the painting "The Life of Tree". Through intricate brushstrokes, the harmony of colors that we can see with our own eyes is portrayed on canvas. One tree might not seem to make a difference, but it belongs to everything surrounding it, giving fruit to the hungry, nurturing the soil, purifying the air, and preserving water.

It is upon us, as the custodians of a 4-billion-year-old legacy, to preserve the interconnected of all living beings on Earth. We need to nurture and protect it for ourselves and the generations to come, and not surrender to the insatiable desire of economies to destroy in the name of economic prosperity.

The painting was exhibited in London, Vilassar de Mar, and Barcelona. See the original post.

These seven paintings have enchanted audiences in several countries, evoking a sense of wonder and igniting contemplation with their stories. Each painting is a part of the mosaic of natural beauty, the interconnectedness of all living beings, and our shared responsibility to protect the delicate balance we have inherited and have to leave to future generations.

Fellow, art lovers, take a moment to stop for a moment and immerse yourself in these works of art, exploring the depth of your own imagination and embracing the connection you share with the universe. Let these paintings ignite a spark of wonder within you, allowing them to transport you to realms beyond the ordinary and into the treasures that unfold beneath the starry sky.

May you find peace and draw inspiration from the profound beauty of life that surrounds you, that is within you, and that you create with your own existence.

I appreciate you taking the time to read through this article, view the artworks I painted, and contemplate these important topics. To find more about each individual painting, press on the links in the descriptions; and if you want to see more content like this follow me as I will be publishing more paintings and the inspirations behind them.

All the text and images in this post are mine unless otherwise stated!
All rights reserved worldwide!

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