Calyp & Copa

Calyp & Copa

They both live where the world has been drastically changed by the apocalypse, Calyp is the leader of a small group of survivors living in a cave, he wears a mask specially designed for toxic air and Copa is a wolf who mutated to be smart and able to communicate. They have fiery red eyes that have the ability to see in the dark very clearly, guarding the survivors from various threats with Calyp power to control fire and Copa intelligence making them a good combination to defend the group.

The process begins with sketching using a pencil - followed by inking using a drawing pen and shading with pencil again, then the drawing is scanned and edited with photo manipulation software.

Scanned Drawing

The background and frame are drawing with repetitive small circle that edited adjustment inverted color and a few digital brushes to display the ground.

Thank you for taking the time to stop by and read my post🕶

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