My experience so far with the MidJourney A.I. image creator

@kommienezuspadt showed me the MidJourney A.I. at @caffetto a few days ago.
I couldn't believe the images that were being created at a few words and phrases. It really made me think that commercial artists were going to have to re-think their careers.
I have been using MidJourney now for 2 days, and I haven't changed my mind about the commercial artists.
What really has stunned me is the power to see the distant past through this technology, and also the power to use it as a template for creation in the material world.

Here is one of my wooden sculptures of 2 goldfinches sitting back to back in the image of a catface.

This is the A.I. version based on that exact description.


This is incredible to me.
I seeded one image with "Odin carves a wooden figure." I also added Vinca culture and ancient Balkan folk art as seeds.


I want this thing! It looks like something that I would eventually make with more skill. I have to try to make it!
The images have been helping me realize how much of that ancient folk art energy is in my creations already.
I put in a description of one of my inspirations... a dream that I had of a hooded cyclops figure. This dream was the inspiration behind this guy.


The A.I. gave me this.

This is like all of my spiritual path art smashed together. I actually couldn't stop looking at it.

I did some that were not based on folk art as well.
I put in some prompts from an apocalypse dream I had and here are the results.

If you end up in this scene, shit's about to hit the fan.

In one of my favorite images, I used "angel made of tadpoles" as a prompt and got this.


It's creepy and awesome.
I have also prompted a large number of abominations, but those are left unseen...
Where this technology is going is exciting and scary at the same time.
If A.I. can do this, what else can it do. What can't it do? It relies on human programmers to create it(for now) so it looks like one job that will be safe is A.I. programmer.
I think the world will look very different in 20 years because of the rise of A.I. Hopefully we get the Star Trek version so I can join Starfleet.

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