Portrait of a Woman #5: Mother Earth (EN/ DE)

Hello Hive World,

There is (still) no end to my creativity. Carpe Diem, so I'm making the most of the day with something creative again. Hallelujah, that's a blessing for me.

As today's picture theme for my series "Portrait of a Woman" (no worries there will be non pregnant drawings soon again too 😅), I have tried to capture and illustrate the feminine energy of Mother Earth as a small human drawing.

What are your thoughts on my doodle?


Hallo werte Hive Welt,

Meiner Kreativität ist (noch) kein Ende gesetzt. Carpe Diem, also nutze ich den Tag bestmöglich mit etwas kreativen wieder.

Als heutiges Bild-Thema zu meiner Serie "Portrait of a Woman" habe ich die weibliche Energie der Mutter Erde versucht als kleine Zeichnung einzufangen und zu illustrieren.

Was sind eure Gedanken zu meiner Krakelei?

the Progress.png


First some lines... And more lines... Slowly coloring (by using the filling tool).


I played with some different shades of the same color.


Here you see how many layers I have used.

Titelloses 162_20240214124949.png

I tried this time to create the work nearly with invisible outlines.

And here is my finished drawing.

und hier meine fertige Zeichnung.


I made it a bit lighter at least. And yes, for a daily drawing routine I use a simple technique and not many fine details. I will try and experiment on finer line and blend-techniques soon again.

allgemeine Infos/ general info:

  • digitale Zeichnung/ digital drawing
  • erstellt auf meinem Huawei Matepad 10.4/ created on my Huawei Matepad 10.4
  • verwendete Anwendung war die Applikation "Ibispaint X" / the App I used was "Ibispaint X"
  • Dauer der Fertigstellung 3 Stunden 56 Minuten / duration of completion 3 hours 56 minutes

Eure / your

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