Splinterlands Fan Art - Playful Madcap Magus πŸ„

Splinterlands Fan Art - Madcap Magus πŸ„


Good day, everyone! I'm back to doing Splinterlands fan art. It's currently raining outside, with lightning and thunderstorms. There is no weather advisory released if there is a typhoon, but hopefully you are dry and safe today.

For this fan art, I drew Madcap Magus, one of the new Soulbound Cards in Splinterlands' post here.

Here is the card reference image of Madcap Magus in Splinterlands.

Madcap Magus

Madcap magi are wild mages of the myconids, a species of sentient, mobile mushrooms. Their magic is unpredictable, with oftentimes erratic and random effects.

While most practitioners of magic attempt to harness and control the elements, madcap magi believe this dampens the elements’ potential. Instead, they’ve learned to channel earth mana through their bodies and their staffs without restrictions, letting it run its course, come what may.

While this gives them a level of power unachievable by other magic users, it also sometimes fizzles out, backfires, or results in something entirely unexpected. Madcap magi are willing to accept the consequences, believing the rewards of unbridled magic outweigh the risks.

Madcap Magus, in my opinion, are serious magicians that are only interested in honing their skills. Years of practice would cause them to forget how to appreciate and have fun, instead focusing solely on gaining more power.

I'd like to depict a Madcap Magus who is still young, cheerful, and fun in this artwork. I began with a rough drawing of Madcap Magus riding a broom or a mushroom broom. I then drew a clear outline and adjusted the line width in various spots.

I then used flat colors to try to replicate the original image's color. I then darken various portions of the image, beginning with the hat and progressing to the broom. I added black and white tones with a G-pen. I applied more shades to the hat, face, and body with the Soft airbrush and the Blend tool. I like doing some line decorations on the broom the most in this part since I wanted to make it as colorful as possible.

I used blue gradients to simulate a night sky in the background. I then added some colorful mushrooms behind the grass. I also sprayed purple gas on the ground to represent the toxicity of the mushrooms.

To add extra details, I made the broom's head glow and added particles falling from it onto the ground. I put some sparkly dusts and blue clouds surrounding the broom to signify that Madcap Magus is flying. I also added some shooting stars because I believe that leaving the upper background alone is boring.

And here is the final output of my work.

madcap magus (9).png

As much as I enjoyed doing this work, I hope you appreciate it's cutenss as well. πŸ˜€
We sometimes forget to appreciate life because we are so focused on earning a living or honing our talents. That's why I created this piece of art to serve as a reminder also to myself. 😁



That's it, and thanks for reading. If you're interested in playing Splinterlands, here is my game link - splintercell-01.
Visit @Splinterlands to view more amazing posts! And always keep on battling!!!

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