Splinterlands Art: Djinn Muirat Fan Art



Good day, everyone! I am back at making Splinterlands Art again. 😁 For this post, I would like to share to you guys my fan art of Djinn Muirat. If you would also like to participate, here is their post - Splinterlands Art Contest Week 217! I drew the sketch first on a paper using a pencil. I then traced it using Sketchbook Mobile and I lost track of how many hours I had spent on this one. I've had this work on my tablet for a while, and if I have some free time, I'll periodically add details. And I'm relieved that I've already completed it.

This Djinn Muirat variant resembles a chibi in some ways, but it's not one. My idea was of a gloomy little Djinn Muirat. Well, as I added the eyes, it started to look more sinister than just gloomy. I therefore sketched the first image on my notebook. After that, I used my phone to take a picture of it and uploaded it into Sketchbook mobile. Because I wanted to emphasize the hue of Djinn Muirat's skull, I chose a gray background.

After completing the outline. I applied a base color of white for the skull. I then applied shades of gray and black and used Smudge Pen and Airbrush to blend and smoothen the color. After finishing the skull, I went ahead in adding color to it's hair. I also used white color as my base color and added shades of blue.

For the body, I actually used a purple base color and then applied shades of blue and black. I don't know what happened, but it changed after I uploaded it. Perhaps, it's a limitation of mobile devices used for drawing? Let me know your thoughts. For the lower part of its body, I used green as the base color and mimic the curly waves.

I then added the tattoos on its body and also added the bracelet and necklace accessory.

In this part, I added the eyes which I chose the color yellow instead of the original color of somehow emerald. Using yellow will highlight its skull, that's what I thought. I also decided to not add the skeleton on its shoulders.

I then smoothen the edges and added two floating ball of spirits. In the original art, Djinn Muirat is somehow stretching/bending a spirit, but I would like to show Djinn Muirat here, travelling with spirits. I then added a yellow aura to give more details.

Here is the final output. Though it didn't go well as planned but I think I did well. Please let me know your thought on how I can still improve my work. I am not an avid painter or artist but I would like to draw sometimes to relieve my stress. 😅

Here is the card reference. 😄




That's it, and thanks for reading. If you're interested in playing Splinterlands, here is my game link - splintercell-01.
Visit @Splinterlands to view more amazing posts! And always keep on battling!!!

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