Marina - living fortress of the ocean (Original Character) for Splinterlands Art Contest week 218

Splinterlands Art Contest

Hello guys and welcome to my new blog! As for this week, I decided to make an original character based on a water elemental. I don't think I created any water elemental card for this contest so far so here we go haha!

Marina - living fortress of the ocean


Character information

Marina is a summoner who can call water demons from the ocean at will. With the help of her mysterious crown made out of pure water, she can control them and make them work in sync to achieve victory over anyone. She also can manipulate water and shape-shift her body in any form and size. Since the surface of the planet is covered by more than 70% ocean Marina is undoubtedly one of the best and strongest summoners on the planet. The sole purpose of her existence is to protect aquatic life and preserve its ecosystem.

Although Marina has the strength of an ocean she has shown weakness to earth and lightning-based elemental life forms. A shock from such life forms can temporarily weaken Marina and destroy the synchronised battle ability of her monsters thereby changing the course of the battle. Marina's power has a serious disadvantage against earth-based splinters because her base attacks only make such elementals more powerful. The more she uses such attacks the better it is for the earth-based life forms. The rapid growth of such characters can capture and immobilise Marina. Under extreme conditions like this, she can use the special ability to create super Tsunamis to wipe out her enemies.

Apart from this, she has super healing and endurance which means that she can absorb damage to a great extent by forming gigantic water shields around her.

Splinterlands card design


I really had a tough time making this card design. The website is a bit buggy so I had to screenshot the frame and edit it on my Ibis app because some of the stats were missing from it. The other website I used to make frames like this is no longer available for some reason.

Coming back to the character, since this was a water splinter I used blue colour for the hair and to compliment it I painted her clothes red. I tried other colours for the background but after some experimentation, it was very clear that blue is the better choice here. I was worried a bit because of how it will look with her blue hair but I solved the issue by adding a gaussian blur on the blue water background plus those details on her hair helped to distinguish between them easily.

I used a different perspective for the face here. It's tilted a bit upwards so I had to make necessary changes to the positions of the face parts haha. I chose this pose because it gives off a confident feel. Since the pose was in front view adding the clothes in there was an easy job. Those extensions of clothes from her hands were a last-minute addition. Now the painting is complete with it hehe.

The process









Thank you @castleberry for providing me feedback last time. I made necessary additions to my original character entry this time to satisfy the conditions of the contest because of your help.

Tools used: Ibis paint x, notebook and pencil.


Splinterlands card design source

Pose reference (NSFW)

Thanks for reading :)

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