Trippy Thursday - The Happy Alien Being

Here is a strange happy alien being for this #trippythursday by @blacklux
What would you think if you saw this face floating above you as you suddenly woke up in the middle of the night?

Oh and his eyes glow too... He is just a happy alien that has figured out how to travel the wormhole to Earth. Now he wants to make friends with random lifeforms, try not to be afraid...

His eyes have seen many different solar systems as he is a creature who lives in the wormhole system.

These are his Earth atmosphere contact lenses. They keep the wormhole radiation of his natural pupils from bleeding out into our atmosphere.

This is his mathematical brain, it is needed to calculate the dips and dives of wormhole travel.

These are his whiskers that also help feel out the electromagnetic radiation of incoming solar systems. He can use these for steering in the correct direction to make an easy landing on various planets.

This is one of his antennae. He can pick up radio frequencies from various solar systems to see if there is any intelligent life on them. Earth radio from the 50s is his favorite.

His mouth intuitively knows how to translate and relay back any form of spoken language. All he needs to hear is one complete sentence and that will be enough to make him fluent in that language. He hasn't quite cracked the code to pig latin yet though...

This is his forcefield aura that protects him from various harsh atmospheres or harsh lifeforms. He's had a run in with various primitive militaries of lower level planets. Their bullets, arrows and stones easily bounce off this protective aura.

Next time you see a glowing alien at night try speaking one sentence at him to start the conversation. Happy #trippythursday :-)

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