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Trippy Thursday - Rare Minerals

Here are a few more 3ds Max and Vray experiments for this #trippythursday

This strange mineral acts as a form of liquid sapping dust that hits biologic entities. Once it falls onto a living thing it will suck all the liquid out of them and form a hard smooth shell on the host. Eventually the lack of moisture causes everything to crumble into dust again so that it can attack another creature.

Scientists tried to find a cure for this strange dust mineral by radiating it and mixing it with some aloe vera. This combo did end up keeping moisture trapped but the fracturing continued creating a series of vacuum sealed compartments.

Lightning hit a silver and gold ore vein creating a new type of fulgerite that fused gold and silver together with glass-like properties. If only this could be replicated in labs this would become quite the high seller at jewelry stores.

Here is a single particle of Kaboomerite. Once it is synthesized in a lab it is only stable at the exact temperature it was created at. One slight change in temperature and it goes Kaboom...

Millions of years in the future archaeologists discover a new form of Coprolite. Coprolite is fossilized poop and this specimen was from a human who ate nothing but skittles.

Here is a strange synthesis of glass and quartz near some acidic mine runoff. It may look amazing but it is quite toxic, just getting within a foot of it will cause your lungs to start burning with acid.

Just some standard amethyst.

Here is some Bowlingballerite it got formed in a cave that collapsed millions of years ago via some water pressure and minerals crystalizing over a standard bowling ball. Apparently cave men invented bowling but instead of bowling pins they used enemy villagers. Its sort of a mix between bowling and dodge ball.

Here is a strange form of jasper that formed around weaker material that got eroded by water. The water erosion leaves only the stronger magenta jasper in an intricate web-like structure. When run through an electrical current it begins to elevate and shoot laser beams.

Here is Leggerite. This mineral moves by forming lots of gooey feet that can crawl over any surface. Why it moves nobody knows... It doesn't need to eat or grow it just has to keep walking. Perhaps there is a larger mass of Leggerite somewhere else and it is trying merge back together.

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)