Trippy Thursday - Neon Frog

Here is a neon frog for this #trippythursday by @blacklux
Here is a psychedelic shiny semi translucent frog that lives in a neon pond. He spends his days and nights eating glowing insects and belting out deep bass croaks to the rhythm of the ecosystem.

To create the frog I first drew one up at the right angle in adobe illustrator as a vector object so I could use each vector shape as a mask in photoshop. The rest of the fractals are also from jwildfire and are used ask a the textures of the frogs skin and eyes.

I created all the textures for this in jwildfire. As I was forming some of the fractals I noticed quite a few of them started looking like lily pads so I composed them in jwildfire together and did a rendering. Jwildfire lets you combine fractals then move them around in space. I tilted each one at approximately the right angle then tilted the camera view to stage the angle for the frog.

Here is a gif showing some of the layers I used to create the composition as well as some of the layer iterations that didn't make it into the final composition. I'll save the unused ones for some other space ship composition someday. If I ever decide to animate this in after effects I'll try and compose some techno style song to go with it.

That's all for this #trippythursday thanks for looking :-)

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