Soñé / I dreamed


Soñé que una gripe me llevaba
a un mundo lejano e indecente
dónde los globos reinaban y dulcemente
mi nariz inchada la besaban.

Pero yo caminaba indiferente
tratando de pasar inadvertido
al ritmo de un compás tan divertido
que las arrugas de apoderabán de mi frente.

Cómo hay cosas tan extrañas en el mundo
y tanta gente con el sueño tan profundo!

I dreamed that a flu took me to a world
far away and indecent
where the balloons reigned and sweetly
they kissed my swollen nose.

But I walked indifferent
trying to go unnoticed
to the rhythm of such a funny beat
that the wrinkles took over my forehead.

How are there such strange things in the world
and so many people with such deep sleep!

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