RE: Long Overdue

oh my gosh!!! Strega!!! You are inside my head... this resonates so profoundly with me. This artwork is incredible - more so because you allowed your soul to speak onto the page. I was feeling anxious just watching the evolution of this drawing under your hand. The many demands that grab and steal our moments and our joy from us. The stress. The pressure. The juggling. The fighting. Everything and everyone wants a piece of us. That's what it feels like some days. BUT... I sense that the being inside those grasping hands; is seeking and will find the ultimate peace. There is a resignation, a submission, but perhaps also contemplation, and perhaps prayer in some shape or form. An appeal to something higher - for the peace that we all seek amid the chaos. You know I try to stretch time too - to my great disservice. So I fully appreciate and understand where you are coming from. The fragmentation is real... and then the introspection and delayering thereafter is simply another surgical cut to the mind and heart. So many truths are revealed and faced when we are prepared to listen to the little voice inside. But we so often need to cut the wounds right open before we can heal. I love this post and I love you! I have something I'll share with you which you may find interesting and/or useful... coming to your DM later today. Welcome back, my lovely 💗

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