Luminescent Aquarian- New Animated Mint on NFTShowRoom



Welcome art lovers, NFT lovers and of course lovers of anything Good. My artwork which you see above, is now a minted animated NFT available for sale right on @NFTshowroom.

Nftshowroom is a marketplace right under your noses affiliated with hive where you get to mint your art for sale easily and quite affordably with just a token of 3.3333 swap. hive and 0.01 hive for subsequent editions, try it out. I created this art, now an NFT back in 2023 and I posted it as just art in Streetart community here on hive but right now, its a minted and buyable NFT in Nftshowroom

About my Minted Artwork on Nftshowroom

Name of NFT: Luminescent Aquarian

Number of Editions: 11 (Plan to create more unlockables with each edition placed for sale)

Collection Price: 60 swap.hive / CLICK TO COLLECT

Year/Month Minted: JUNE, 2024

NFT Description: "Luminescent Aquarian" features a bluish transparent aquatic being that seamlessly blends with the tranquil depth of the ocean. With graceful transparency, it becomes one with its liquid environment

I initially created this NFT as normal art which I published in Streetart community here on Hive in 2023. In JUNE 2024, I decided to mint as an NFT in the showroom. So right now it is an NFT courtesy of Nftshowroom

Inspiration Behind the Art:

POSEIDON the mythical God of the Ocean inspired this. I am a lover of anything that whispers serenity and tranquility. I love the the smell and sound of the ocean alongside the flow of water even though sometimes it can be violent and fast-paced. I love Nature, therefore I resonate with anything Natural. See this as an expression of one of those resonance

Here is a link to my tutorial in @alienarthive just in case you want to start turning your amazing artwork into an NFT like I did

Get the NFT here


Visit my Gallery On Nftshowroom.
Instagram: sam9999_art

Do well to join the Alien Art Hive community and also the discord!


You can follow my new account on Twitter


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Thank You<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

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