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"Woop It Up" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

demon (of bad taste).png

Hey folks!!! I'm feeling like I'm starting to focus my head again---getting back to my ARTISTIC HEADSPACE! (Exciting!!!) Below, you'll find some recent NFT pieces, and if you'll notice, the art itself is about why I'm making art! (Reflexive...) Maybe you'll catch a laugh...


"Sunglasses Guy"

[Digital drawing created on my phone!] Stuck in the '80s! Black turtleneck, black glasses, and a spiked cru-cut! He's the villain in every '80s rom-com! You know he's driving a BMW, right? What a dick!



"Dog in Dimensional Collision" by RFY (HF) & FEH (TT)

[Crayon, ink, and colored pencil on paper with digital embellishments and moshing!] Psychedelic, mind-recycling teleportation method with some...complications. The dog isn't going to have a restful weekend...and he was just in the wrong place at the right time... ---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool) & Felicity Echo Hanson (Toddler Terror)


"Tentacle from the Sky"

[Felt pen, paint pen, and metallic marker on black paper with digital embellishments and color!] A crack in the sky with a tentacle reaching down to cause EVIL!!! (Notice the cult leader who probably performed the rituals required to cause the dimensional rift! He does good work, no?)


"Anxious Bird"

[Digital drawing over photograph of the back of some recycled papers.] He's so freaked out right now that he's hypnotized by anxiety!


"Something in My Drink..."

[Ballpoint pen on notebook page with digital embellishments and color.] The question is THIS: Did the "something" in his drink turn him into a plant-man, or was he already a plant-man who is also complaining about something in his drink? Exciting times ahead either way!



"Interior Monologue"

[Liner pen and collage elements on notebook page with digital embellishments, color, and drawing.] My wife and I finally went to City Lights bookstore last summer. It was smaller than I thought it would be, but I wasn't disappointed! The HISTORY alone... As a fan of BEAT Poetry and "independent thinking," this building means a lot to me... And then, as a bonus, Mariah bought me a journal from the store. (This might be more exciting to me than it is to you...)


"Remote Viewer"

[Charcoal pencil on paper with digital manipulation via MOSH-machine.] A path thru psychedelics to remote viewing. The experience is beyond disorienting...


"The Sponge"

[Digital drawing created on my phone.] A horrible creature who sucks up all the GOOD STUFF in the culture, the creative energy, the experimental drive, the joy..., and then chews these things up and tries to spit out PROFIT... We must turn our (astral form) backs on The Sponge, stop letting this creature (and the fiends like him) consume all of our efforts, and get on with the LIFE OF CREATIVE NONSENSE we all deserve!


"It's Cool, I Guess"

[Words on word processor with digital manipulation (a weird font) and a transparent png for flavor!] I think this image speaks for itself (if one is able to read English. If not, you can't read this either, so...)


"Absurdism Fixes That"

[Actual typewriting on notebook paper with digital embellishments, drawing, and color.] A U.F.O., a gnarly troll, a ghostie, and a neon bunny are witnesses to the writing on the wall... They're suspicious, but I'm not. I'm getting to work!


"Bull (With or Without Market)"

[Digital drawing created in MS Paint on an old laptop!] The bears think they're back in town, but I think that's BULL! Cuz it's about the images and the laughs FIRST!!! I'm ALWAYS full of bull!



[Ink on cardboard on a wooden floor with digital embellishments and color.] Some species have common ancestors, others have similar body-types that developed through "convergent evolution" - not related but physically evolved thanks to similar environmental pressures. THESE TWO SNAKES, however, are just brothers, but Nicky got caught in a taffy pulling machine...and it smoothed out all of his lovely 90 degree angles. Poor guy!



[Ink on reclaimed cardboard with digital and physical collage, digital embellishments, and color.] Looking down the barrel (beer barrel), Simon Keen-Bleepin (of the New York Keen-Bleepins) often found himself in odd situations, but few were more strange than sitting for the multi-dimensional photo-session for that weird, avant-garde artist, HOMMSMEYER! It took Simon WEEKS to come down from the concoction that he was fed before the "ART" began...


Stay loose, and keep your eyes on the skies!

---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)