"Process is a Process" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

Today, Mariah is attending an online seminar (she needs "continuing education" credits to keep her optician's license current), and she's using the laptop. Therefore, I went old-school pen on paper (which I then photographed and manipulated using pixel magic on my phone.) I came up with this:


As this is a process post, here's what the image looked like before coloring:


It's interesting to me how different a piece can look before being colored. Here are a few examples:









Maybe it's just my weird head, but I sometimes prefer the mood of the pre-colored images better than the finished works. (People like colors, though. My wife often says to me, "That looks good! You're going to color, though, right?" And I usually do...but secretly, I like the black-and-white line art look better, sometimes...)

In other news, I was trying to catch up on Falcon and Winter Soldier last night, when the street out in front of my house flashed blue, and I heard a voice yelling (through my open window), "Hands up! You are all under arrest! DO YOU UNDERSTAND!!!???" And I thought, "Ut oh..."



Within a few minutes, the street was flooded with uniformed officers swarming around this car parked directly across the street from the house. (I'm immediately wondering if I need to dive for cover before bullets start flying... There are positives to having a wall of windows, but they don't protect much against bullets....or zombies, for that matter...)

I never ran to the window to try to figure out what was going down (I try not to be a looky-loo), but the crowds and lights slowly dispersed, eventually, and the front yard went back to black... And I never heard gunfire, so that's good!

That's it fur this post, which is post #17 of 30 in my April #HiveBloPoMo challenge! On the downward slope at this point!

OH! And I get my second jab in three days! Nifty! I'll finally get those precious nanobots and my mind control chip!!! Excited!


---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

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