"Impossible to Produce Zine 01" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

Here's the funny thing... I AM a confirmed liar, no doubt. In THIS PARTICULAR case, however, I think I was just being hyperbolic. The strange, one page, 30 inch x 30 inch collage zine that I've created isn't IMPOSSIBLE to print (or "PRODUCE" in the real world), but it is highly unlikely that anyone will ever attempt to take the pdf file to a shop and actually print the sum'bitch out. I doubt that I ever will...although it would probably look cool.

In addition, there is probably some controversy possible over my using the term "zine" to describe a single page. My rationalization, however, is that the pdf is certainly too large to fit onto a single screen (that the "normal human" population will have access to), which means the image must be SCROLLED around on, or through, and I'm counting this scrolling action as akin to page turning. You could also call it an abstract comic---but let's not get hysterical. I don't think these images or text are "MEANT" to be read in a specific direction. (I mean, I made the thing to be looked at "WILLY NILLY," with the viewer jumping from section to section as their eyes or mice or whatever move across the file. Zoom in, zoom out---whatever...)

And it's FREE. I'm into this utopian / SPREAD THE CREATIVE LOVE AROUND / mindset at the moment, so although I spent hours on this thing, I'm just hoping people ENJOY it---maybe make something of their own to share with the universe. (The universe is always hungry for more NEAT STUFF!)

Here's a teeny, tiny thumbnail version:

impossible to produce - 01 (peg).jpg

And for those who want to see the BIG version and scroll around looking at photos and reading philosophical ranting and flash fiction nonsense, you can find the link to the free PDF below:


I mentioned in a post from a few days ago that I'm going to start making FREE PDF files of artwork and literary efforts and stuff that I can give away. (I like to think of it as SEEDING the universe with EXCITEMENT and HUMOR!)

Here is the OTHER PDF that I have available, so far! (I have no idea how many people bothered to grab it and give it a look---but that's okay. I'm not force feeding my MUSH to others---I'm making the MUSH easy to access for those who are INTO MUSH! Ha!!!)

PDFs available so far in the FREE PDG program (not a lot, but the list is growing!!!):
Punktronic Cover Art PDF

As I said before, if you have any trouble downloading these suckers, send me a note and let me know! I'll see what I can do to fix the situation... Feel free to remix / redo / add-on / share and / or whatever you want (as long as you give away the products of your efforts) using any of the shit you find amusing in these PDF files!!! And if you decide to make something fun to give away for free, too, let me know and I'll give it a look!!!! I love add-and-pass projects, remixes, and fan-fiction, so GO FOR IT!!!

Thanks for stopping by!!!

---Richard F. Yates
(Primitive Thoughtician and Holy Fool)



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