"Slowly Building My Gallery!" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

Hey Folksies! Sorry I didn't post my usual "Sign Off" message before bed last night, but we had people over all day (just our daughters and their guys and the granddaughter), and by bedtime, I was shot!

Still, I've been slowly but surely building up my GALLERY on NFT Showroom, and curating a COLLECTION of profoundly eerie, weird, fun, sarcastic, intriguing, and downright COOL works of art by artists publishing their work on the HIVE blockchain. (My collection isn't a "FOR SALE" thing---as economic speculation tends to bore me. If your work is in my collection it's because I ENJOY IT!!!)

There are a great many OTHER works that I've enjoyed on this platform, as well, but I am a poet / art-prankster---and therefore incredibly POOR. However, as I sell more work, I will spend my extra ducats buying more art by NOT-ME. For now, I feel like I'm doing fine! I'm making enough to create new work, and I can occasionally catch a bargain! And SOMETIMES, folks like @stellabelle and @kristyglas have GIFTED me a cool piece or two! Yep. Feel like I'm doing alright!

As I've mentioned (often) in previous posts, if you haven't looked at NFT Showroom yet, you NEED TO, like, immediately!!!


It's where I am having the MOST fun (online) at the moment. It's still new, still finding its form, but SUPER-RAD already! (That's an '80's adjectival phrase!)

Speaking of NEW STUFF (as I was a few paragraphs ago...), here are a few pieces that I've recently added to my gallery!

"Night Stalker (Crude Animation)"

"High on a Mountain"

"Ruff Pup"

"Walk Like an Egyptian"

And I have several more that I've completed over the last week or so that I haven't had a chance to tokenize yet!!! Keep watching the skies!!!! (And READ A DAMN BOOK!!!)

---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

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