"'Fizzbanger' and My Recent NFT Showroom Acquisitions!" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

[Crayon, wax pencil, and felt pen on reclaimed cardboard with some slight digital color-correction.]

The grandkid was over again for a bit today, so we drew more stuff! (There are a bunch of other pieces, but I haven't had a chance to photograph those yet, cuz I got stuck on a different project...)

So... I've been doing really well selling artwork, lately. (Well enough that I bought a bunch of new tunes AND art from various other peeps... Do the kids still say "peeps?" Maybe not... Maybe I'm just thinking of those marshmallows covered in colored sugar treats...) Here are a number of pieces that I've collected in my NFT Showroom vault over the last few weeks... (It's a VAULT in the sense that it's safe there---and I'm not selling!!!)

nfts - a.jpg

nfts - b.jpg

nfts - c.jpg

nfts - d.jpg

nfts - e.jpg

nfts - f.jpg

nfts - g.jpg

nfts - h.jpg

nfts - i.jpg

nfts - j.jpg

The images above come from my "Collection" on NFT Showroom, and they include works by the following folks:


Great stuff! Thanks to all of these creators for making and sharing their pieces!!!

I saw a short article on Twitter today that made the claim that NFT artwork is a Ponzi scheme, and I didn't comment on the piece there (it was being responded to by more well-known lights than mine, so I stayed out of it.) I disagree (based on a documentary clip that I watched on the actual Ponzi schemer, one of the episodes of White Rabbit Project, which I enjoyed.)

The original business that Charles Ponzi was in was importing International Reply Coupons (a type of postage) from Europe to the U.S.A. What made the business fraudulent is that Ponzi was selling products that he didn't actually own yet. He used money from investors to order new I.R.C.s, but took more money in than he had product available to fulfill the orders. He LIED to investors, and he knowingly kept taking in more money even when he couldn't get more product.

That's just not what NFT / crypto art is about, at least not how I do it. I don't PRE-sell artwork... In fact, I don't even make art specifically to sell it. I create artwork because I HAVE TO, (it's a COMPULSION), and sometimes I decide to put a few of the pieces I make up for sale. I also don't buy for "INVESTMENT" purposes. I buy artwork that I like and plan to keep! (I also buy art from "Artists' Alley" at comic conventions and from galleries and from online stores. I particularly like postcards and small prints...and books...) Art is cool as hell. It tells stories. It sparks memories. It inspires my imagination! It's kinda my thing!

Okay! Go draw something and share it with me, or maybe give NFT Showroom a look and maybe spend a dollar or two tokenizing your pieces! Even if they don't sell right away, they'll be saved (via blockchain and IPFS) for people to experience for a LONG LOOOOOOONG time! Neat!!!

---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

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