"Artz for Exiles" by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

Have you ever wondered if there is a story happening somewhere in your head, while you're just sittin' there doin' nuthin', but then you start to suspect that what you THOUGHT was a story was actually just gravel in a cement mixer that someone painted bright yellow...just to be perverse?

Me too...

[Digital drawing digitally doodled on my phone. There are hidden suggested interpretations for this image throughout the text of this post---but don't look for them or you'll never find them. But if you don't care JUST ENOUGH, then the meaning might present itself to you...]

Today felt weird. I made some new ARTZ, sold several pieces, worked (guarding the ivory towers), played some tunes (only slightly enthusiastically... Couldn't find a room with a THEME that connected with me today...) Mostly, today, I just watched YoooTooob videos about serial killers, comic books, amusement parks, internet conspiracies, and hypothetical Kuiper belt objects... Typical stuff...

Never felt like I really got off the ground today. Maybe I'll start the day with a 10 minute freewrite tomorrow. Get my brain moving...

Actually, I did finished one thing that I'm pretty happy with this morning, my first experimental AUDIO-NFT, which can now be minted at NFTSHOWROOM.COM ! Here's the cover art for the piece:

The NFT is a 1 minute and 15 second long audio collage or sound poem or something like that. I think it's funny...and a bit creepy! You can listen to the piece by going here:

And that's all I have brain power for tonight! Sorry! For those keeping score, this was April #HiveBloPoMo post #12 of 30!!! Not quite halfway there, yet, but I'm 12 days in without missing a day yet! Nifty!!!

---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

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