Lilly shield paw❤️❤️: fanart


Hopefully you alo are doing well. It is my emtery for the weekly contest of @splinterlands . I am very excited today. Today I hadmade Lilly which is a splinter character. It is a dog . Its colour combination is really very nice.

         **Final Look**

App Used

Adobe Illustrator

It is a grafical software which is used to perform different functions such as logo making. Building making etc....


As you all know that I started my work from the face So first of all I draw the sketch of the face of lilly with the help of the pen tool. Pen tool is a really time taken and difficult tool but is usefull.

Then I started draw his facial features which included eyes mouth etc.

Lilly without ears was looking strange so I draw his ears😂😂.

Now the face is almoat complete and is looking beautifull in actuall. Then I started to draw his trunk.

I draw his left arm. He is shaking his hand. He is saying Hello to you all guys. Reply him back a Hey

He is not a handi cap just wait He had his another arm and that arm will drawn by me now.

i also drew his tail and the final look of his sketch is given upside........🫣🫣


Sketch is looking beaitifull. The coour combinantionof the lilly was difficult to made. Different shades of only one colour oh my god. I troed my best to get the actuall colours and I also found. I started to fill the colour in his trunk amd other body.

Then I started to colour in his arms .Amd kn his tale. His tale is of diffiremt shades of a colour .

O la la laaaaaa

Them I started to fill the colour in his face. It was the difficult fase. I fill the colour in his fave his eyes hidden i tried so much but all in vain

Now I transferr the pics of the working in my mobile. I addit the latest pictire and made his eyes by the help of capcut app.

I added the background of brown colour and drop the shadow. Here is the finall look of the lilly . Let me show you.

I hope you will like it. I will come back here soon with a new post Inshallah

Thank you so much for visiting my ost and loving it

Allah Hafiz and Take Care

See you later

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