Jugando con dall-e 2: gorilas de cartón. / Playing with dall-e 2: cardboard gorillas.

Hola amigos espero estén bien el día de hoy. Hoy como todos los días les quiero mostrar nuevas imágenes hechas con dall-e 2 y sus respectivos prompts. La idea me ha llegado al ver a un artista que hacia esculturas de cartón de animales y me h aparecido interesante ver como salían y he elegido para esto gorilas hechos de cartón, espero lo disfruten.

"a gorilla made of cardboard pieces on a white background, photorealistic style"

"a gorilla sculpture made of cardboard on a white background, photorealistic style"

"a gorilla sculpture made of cardboard pieces on a white background, photorealistic style"

"a gorilla sculpture made of cardboard glued with glue on a white background, photorealistic, volumetric style. close up"

Como pudieron ver hay algunas imágenes realmente buenas que en efecto parecen esculturas realistas y que me han encantado. Bueno eso ha sido todo por hoy hasta un próximo blog.


Hello friends, I hope you are well today. Today as every day I want to show you new images made with dall-e 2 and their respective prompts. The idea came to me when I saw an artist who made cardboard sculptures of animals and I thought it was interesting to see how they came out and I have chosen gorillas made of cardboard for this, I hope you enjoy it.

"a gorilla made of cardboard pieces on a white background, photorealistic style"

"a gorilla sculpture made of cardboard on a white background, photorealistic style"

"a gorilla sculpture made of cardboard pieces on a white background, photorealistic style"

"a gorilla sculpture made of cardboard glued with glue on a white background, photorealistic, volumetric style. close up"

As you could see there are some really good images that indeed look like realistic sculptures and I loved them. Well that's all for today until next blog.

Imagen hecha por @fclore22

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