RE: Sketchbook Snapshots

It'd be a horrendous gooey mutated fungus mess on arrival. I wonder what colours the mold would be, lol.

Flourless Brownies

1 cup (or slightly more) of semi-sweet dark chocolate
Just a bit more than 1/2 cup of butter
3 TBS raw cacao powder or cocoa powder
3-4 TBS of buckwheat flour
1 teas vanilla
2 eggs
3/4 cup coconut palm sugar (or whatever sugar you like)

Melt the chocolate & butter, let cool. Beat eggs, add vanilla to them, add to chocolate & butter, then add sugar, cacao powder, buckwheat flour and mix well. I use a muffin pan and put those paper things in, Makes 10 that way. If you want peanut butter ones, put a small amount of brownie mix, drop little bits of peanut butter in, cover with a thin layer of brownie mix and repeat twice more for each one. Or, you could use store bought peanut butter chips (not to my liking being the princess that I am in the kitchen, lol).

The day it's over them so is life itself!

Cheers to that!!!

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