Social Engine

Social Engine

Run down by recent human treachery, the Social Engine needs maintenance.

While still running, for now, the overall condition of the machine shall worsen and complete breakdown will occur in the medium-term if left unresolved.

Who among us is willing to forgo selfish living and work instead on the necessary repairs?

While doing so runs deeply contrary to prevailing tendency, we all rely heavily on the continual operation of the Social Engine to survive.

Some have theorised that this paradox is the very heart of the machine itself: the perpetual unresolved tension acting as fuel.

However, research reveals that this is not true at all, and such a notion instead reflects a self-serving cognitive bias. One that every human individual is liable to indulge in.


If not you, then who? And if not now, when?

Image created by @n̵̦̄̓͜d̶̮̞̋̓̐k̶͚̏̈̌.̶̖̳̀f̷͍͝ọ̶̰́̊͂c̴̡̹͋̒u̷̡͔͑s̸̠̎ using Stable Diffusion via NightCafe

This ganglionic piece of expression is lovingly dedicated to the friendly, honourable and hardworking gatekeeper of music. Where would we be without you? We might never know...

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