Huitzilopochtli is the god of war and patron of warriors. He belongs to the green lineage and was born during the Fifth sun. He was the youngest of the first 12 sons that Coatlicue had with mortal men. These 12 sons were raised exclusively by Coatlicue with the mission to conquer the 13 heavens and kill Quetzalcoatl for personal reasons. Huitzilopochtli has the hummingbird as his nahual.

Huitzilopochtli, on his journey of no return, vowed to take revenge for the death of his brothers. And years later, on the road, he met Chantico and they struck up a conversation in which they hit it off. A very romantic feeling arose between them and they began to see each other more and more in secret. However, Xiuhtecuhtli, annoyed because he thought Chantico was doing something funny, followed her and, upon discovering that she was with a man, became enraged. He did not want anyone to touch his sister.

Thus, Huitzilopochtli confronted the 400 sons of Coatlicue while his allies (Chantico and Xiuhtecuhtli) distracted Huehuetéotl. Coyolxauhqui was the goddess who fled in fear at the sight of her elder brother's power. The thunderous battle came to an end with Huitzilopochtli as the winner. In addition, Huitzilopochtli acquired the powers of his brothers. Determined, he headed for his mother, whom he beheaded and threw into the sky.

Moragui Art.

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