Ujurak Mystic | Drawing

This is my entry for splinterlands art contest week #287. And this is the fourth time I'm participating in the challenge I hope you guys will like my art as well 😊. This time I'm making a drawing of a rebellion Ujurak Mystic which was more similar with the clown of IT movie if we remove his horns. Hos colourful look urged me to gave a try to make it's best fanart.


This time I've gave a try in the process of making the portrait 😁 by first making its position sketch. The chracter is standing in a straight action position with hand behind it's back and holding the weapon which is probably a freezing weapon.

  • After confirming the position of the character I started filling each part with where it belongs to be like the hounds, that beard and other parts including the gown with that tiger leather cloth pinned in it's gown.

  • Now comes the real work filling colours is always satisfying and this time I tried my watercolours received from a friend of mine they were a bit light but still fine as now I don't have to add white in my posters in order to make them more light.

  • I usually make a character's face whenever I draw any character as if you fail to make a character's face at the end it will ruin all struggle.

  • The slim colour of the monster was a bit tricky for me and made me confuse either it is brown or red so I did reddish brown I think it is fine.

  • Giving details seem easier but it isn't. Like you can see detailing the hanging tigee leather above the gown and yhe band on his body required some effort and it was a bit time consuming.

  • This is the last image of the character roght before outlining. Many guys comment that your outlining step really changed the character indeed as it is very satisfying, check this.

This time I've used water proof black pointer for outlining and it was a bit absorbing as well these waterproof pointwr came in different sizes and this time I've used 1 number pointer which is pretty thin

Final look 😁 I tried my best to make a perfect action pose of the Ujurak mystic the clown monster 💀 I hope you will like it see you next time, here are few more images of the final look.

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