Fan art of Muspelheim Demon. Weekly contest of splinter lands 289

Hey guys I hope you all are doing well. It is the 3rd time that I am participating in @splinterlands weekly contest. I couldn't post last week because I was so ill. But now I am feeling well. So this time I try to make MUSPELHEIM DEMON. I am not so expert artist but as usual, I tried my best.

Why Muspelheim Demon

I choose this character because before that I have not made a fire character. I have tried some soft ones. But this time I tried a scary character. I like Devilvil Eye.

Things to use


Scratching paper

Poster colors

Painting brushes

Short Review


First of all, I completed the whole sketch of my art. The steps are in the gift and also in the video which is in the last of my post.

After completing the body, I started to fill it with colors. I started from the skin. Which is of a deep red shade. I picked my brush and mixed red and a little bit of black color. I do have not better colors. So finishing is not so good. I colored its arms, belly, chest, and hands. Somewhere a dark shade and somewhere a lighter one.

After its body, I started with its hair. The colors were new so I was not expecting so difficulties. I was searching for the black color of its physical color. I didn't find it and I was afraid that now what would happen Then I opened a dark purple color which was black in reality. I thanked god. I color its hair Black-ish.

To complete its face I opened a pink color and filled the inner side of the mouth. I also colored its horns with a purple shade.

Now some looks were coming out. Now I color the pebble by which fire 🔥 produced. I colored it with a mixture of yellow and orange colors. Also, make some fire lines all around the character.
I also color its belly with purple color.

Now the thing was left to give it the finishing touch and outline it.
I give it an outline with a black pointer.

To make a background I fill the side with a light blue color. Now it was looking good.

Here is the final look

Some more shots.

don't mess with me haha

I hope you will love my art. Thanks for passing by. Thanks @splinterlands for providing us with such an opportunity. Also thanks to BD's voter.

Stay safe stay alive.

Here is the video.

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