Chaos Animator

Hey. I hope you are all well. This is the entry for @splinterlands weekly contest #293. As usual, I used watercolors for my art. But this time, I used pencil colors. To look at that, can I also use them properly? So I borrow color from my younger brother. And I made Chaos Animator.



Pencil colors


White sheet

Camera πŸ“ΈπŸ˜†

Let's Start

This time I am not uploading a sticker summary. Because I am uploading all the processes step by step.
I started to make sketches. I picked up my pencil and started to draw. I started from its face. Add some features.

Then I draw its skirt and body. Also, draw its hand. Also a lamp of its power. Holding with a hand.

Here is the final sketch. It took 1 hour to complete only the sketch. Because I was ill. So it took a lot of time.


Now it was a satisfying moment for me. Because after a long time, I have been using pencil colors. As we started from the face. So I color its face with a light yellow shade. Opps I haven't skin color, so I used yellow. Also used dark yellow in its crown and the beats of the lamp.

After the face, I colored in its clothes. I used light sky and blue shade.

Ah, my hands were not working, but still ai continued to coloring. So after clothes, I used black shade. I filled the black shade on its belt, eyes, hand gloves, and lamp edges.

To give its hair color, I used my lead pencil. I did it with a lightly blackish shade. And then merge it slowly with my hands. It was given natural fact. The same procedure is in its trousers.

Now its lofp pf power was left. I have filed the blackjack shade where it is needed. So only the inside of the lamp was to be colored. So I fill it with purple shade. Also colored the power wneededdedd shade.

So finally my structure was ready. And the moment came when I would use my black Pointer.
So I give it an outline.

*Here is the final look

I hope you will love my post. I will appear in the next contest. Allah Hafiz. Stay safe. Stay alive.

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