Talia Firestorm / Fanart

I am here back for the weekly contest of @splitersland. I scroll many characters of splintersland then i saw a picture of Talia firestorm. I liked his color and that i have already same colors. I used marker color for good look. Its sketch was very easy to make and i made it in 10 minutes. After joining this platform i interested in making different characters of splintersland. I also part in weekly contest. And this community also gave me good response of my drawing . I used as usual material.


white paper

led pencil

color marker


Let's start to make sketch of Talia Firestorm. First i stat from his face area.I made his eyes thick nose and short hairs with a stylish haircut. Then made his both arms with long white nails.

I made his bif ears like bat and whole body . His legs were thin and feet fat with also long nails. I also highlights his dress like pant shirt. I completed sketch with led pencil. Then i highlights it with black color.

Now coloring session is started and i picked orange color. I added this shade whole sketch where its need.

His face was in green shade so i also added green color in face tail in his wings. I used multiple green and parrot color for enhancing beauty of drawing.

At the end his dress was left for coloring and i used yellow color. As you all know fire color is also in yellow and orange color.So i used yellow shade.

I completed my drawing for weekly contest. You can see final look.

Final look

Don't forget gave me good response and feedback for my drawing. After completing my artwork i felt also happy to see it in beautifuly designed. I also made a video . You must watch. See you in the next with new art contest. Good bye.

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