Nice | Digital Collage + timelapse video

Hello Alien Art Friends! How are you?

Inspired by Women's power and urban art. This is my newest creation.

#art #urbanart #power #women

Nice | Digital Collage

final result

This video is a test to find the best position for my camera position for timelapse videos, just acquire a new tripod, and will start recording some of my creative processes to share with you all.
Any suggestion is welcome.

Thank you for reading my post. I wish you a great day. Leave a comment that I'll be glad to reply to.

How about checking out my last post:

ZIGGY EYES Acrylic Painting

This is a sketch I was working on for an artwork. Testing some eye drawing, technics, and colors.


Digital Artist that likes to explore mixtures of colors and vibrant aspects with references in pop art and modern urban art.

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