Leader of the Pack

Warmest greetings to all art lovers here. As the LeoFinance zealy quest is rounding off soon, here's my little piece of art.

The LeoFinance zealy quest requires that we create, design or draw a leader of the pack.

In the lion kingdom, a leader of the pack is brave, fearless, selfless, bold and strong. Always there to protect the ones he's leading.
The pack leader commands respect and authority wherever it goes. No one messes with it.

In this drawing, we have the male lion which is the leader of the pack, the female - lioness and two cubs.

You will clearly see the leader standing bold and fearless shielding his pack.

I used a pen, pencil and an A4 paper.

  • 1st Step

For the leader, I started with drawing the face and all the features including the long mane which depicts a mature lion fit to be a leader.

  • 2nd Step
    I drew the upper part of the body plus the two front legs.

3rd Step

I completed it by drawing the lower part of the body, the two back legs and the tail.

  • Going further I drew the Lioness starting from the face, the body, legs and the tail.

You can see it standing close to the leader ready to assist, if need be.

  • I also drew the two cubs, one beside the right side of the leader and the other one behind.
  • I added hairs to the bodies by shading with a pencil.
  • Finally, I used a pen and pencil to create a natural environment with trees and grasses,

The leader with his pack.

I hope you like this little piece of art. Your comments will be very much appreciated.
Thank you.

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