Designing Fremen fighters

Fremen are awesome!

Ever seen a society so used to the harsh environment of a desert planet that they created a suit that is able to recycle all water from your body and make it available to you again? These are the Fremen.


But wait! There is more! They are also an explored society that believes that one day, a Messiah will come and make the land fruitful again, with infinite horizons of water. Their explorers? The Harkonnen, a family of nasty humans who harvest the sands for spice melange - the most precious commodity in the universe, as it allows space travel.

The fremen live in sietches, with colonies living deep inside caves where they preserve their sacred water.
Their experience in the desert planet of Arrakis shaped them into formidable fighters, specialized in stealth and fast killing.
As history goes, they backed up the Atreided recovery siege for power and control of the planet, led by their leader Paul Atreides - who was found to be the Messiah they'd been waiting for so long. The one that would terraform Arrakis into a living planet.

I was super excited about the Dune 2 movie and decided to share this painting with you! Hope you all get to see the movie. It's truly fantastic!


Video process

As always, here is the video where you can check the painting process for this piece:

Thank you for hanging out, guys!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


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