The Lion's Journey: LPUD Participant Zealy Quest

lpud participant

Hello there! This is my entry to the LPUD participant zealy quest in the Artist Adventure. Let me tell you, the process was quite the adventure! As someone who hasn't made art in years, I was a little intimidated at first, my first attempt for this quest was a failed one. But I challenged myself and practiced, and I'm happy to share my next attempt with you.

The quest is to depict a Lion who had just participated in the #LPUD initiative, which occurs every month on the 15th where Leofinance community members power up some portions of their $LEO earnings. The Lion was to represent power, strength, and enthusiasm towards the ecosystem's growth.

I started by sketching out the general outlook of the Lion. I wanted it to be fierce and proud, so I made sure to include all the important details, like the mane.

lpud particpant

Once I had the general outlook down, I moved on to the body. I added all the necessary parts to make the Lion look strong and powerful. But I didn't want it to just be a Lion standing there, so I decided to add some background. I drew some plants to make it look like the Lion was in a jungle. It was a lot of work, but I was happy with how it was turning out.

Finally, I was able to finish the art. The Lion looked amazing, and I felt proud of myself for completing the challenge.

lpud participant

But the journey isn't just about the art. It is about challenging myself and pushing my limits. It is about trying something new and learning from my mistakes. In fact, there were plenty of mistakes. I had to erase and start over a few times, but I didn't let that discourage me. I kept going, and in the end, I created something I'm proud of.

Thank you for reading about my entry to the LPUD participant zealy quest. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed creating the art.

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