Splinterland Art Contest: Lyanna Natura

Good day, everyone! How are you? Sorry for not posting in some time, I've been having more art block as for recently, but I still try my best to continue drawing!

This is my second drawing for Splinterland, the character I chose is named "Lyanna Natura" she is a grass/earth summoner! And i loved her hair and personality a lot which is why i wanted to draw her. Her hair specifically has drawn me in.

If you want to read more about this week's Splinterland Art ↓ Contest read here ↓


As I mentioned before, I wanted to draw Lyanna because of her hair and her personality, while I think I got her personality right—I changed her hair a bit to fit the Pokémon art style. I think Lyanna would be a not strong but also not weak Grass gym leader. I chose a pokemon to draw with her to show it more, the pokemon's name is Bellossom, Bellossom is an evolution of a large pokemon family.

The first pokemon is called Oddish which evolves into Gloom, and then, Gloom can evolve into either Uileplume or Bellossom.

Let's move on from the Pokémon.

I decided to give Lyanna a pretty, Kimono-like dress with a black haori, the design fits her for a really awesome and strong gym leader!

↓ Read more about Lyanna Natura here ↓


The Character

The Pokémon

↓ Information about the Illustration ↓

•Digital Artwork
•Canvas Size: 2048x2048
•Time: 4h 35min
•Date: 11/06/2024
•App: IbisPaintx

Illustration Process

↑ Basic idea of the pose ↑

↑ rough sketch ↑

↑ sketch ↑

↑ colored sketch ↑
(So i can get idea for the final product)

↑ corrections ↑
(I corrected the head shape and the hand and changed her dress to a looser one)

↑ lineart ↑

↓ coloring process ↓

↓ background of the image ↓

Thank you all so much for the support, you have no idea how much it means to me!

Oh! And I try to add my Watermark to each one of my drawings now, many thanks for feedback!

-yours truly

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