Splinterlands Art Contest | Lux Vega

lux vega.png

Lux Vega is easily one of my favourite splinterlands cards, it's basically a love at first sight situation, she's perfect. I've never recreated it and I don't know why. Lies, To be honest, I intentionally avoided this card because I'm scared of doing it, just take a close look at that card, there's so much going on with it, the details, elements, pose, it's not something I can just wake up and recreate, I have to plan towards it🤣

Well I've been working on this for the past two days because I wanted to take my time plus I've been battling a terrible headache while having sleep problems due of stress. I intend to rest well today but I'm glad I finished this and can share with you all.


Lux vega is typically that woman who no one knows her story but everyone admires and wants to be like her. Some say she's a wealthy heiress, others say she started out as a priestess. Honestly, she looks like anything you can think of, She's rude, dismissive, very entitled and the more arrogant she is, the more desirable she becomes. Her lore is a very interesting one and you can read more here



Whenever I do a fanart of cards with too many details, I try not to do too much, this is my first painting of her and I'll do more with time. I began with a much detailed sketch, placing every important element in the right place. For the painting, I painted all the flat colours for her skin, clothes, hat, clothes and staff, then I began to paint her facial features. I retained some of the colours in the original character and used some new ones too.





Now to the rendering phase, I started with her hat and staff stick, I painted darker colours for the shadows before adding the gems and other additional details. After that, I painted her clothes, the top part took a lot of my time because I could figure out the style I wanted but I finished it and focused on other areas. Her skin was fast to paint because she wasn't showing much skin, I painted the blue on one part of her face and transparent black gloves on her hands. I also added more strands and colour to her hair and it looked good at this point.




It was time to paint her cards, I chose lots of colours on the original painting and added them to the cards and changed the angle of each of them. I added more details to the blue area on her face and hands. I painted all her ornaments and added more details to them. I added lighting to the sides of her clothes, staff and hat. Finally, I did a simple background using gradients and painted little dots with different colours.


lux vega.png

That's all for the painting, I enjoyed painting this card and I'll definitely do it again.


Tools Used
Adobe Photoshop cc2019
Huion drawing tablet and pen

Thanks for visiting my blog, have an amazing weekend..

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