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an Alien World

Long have I gazed at the stars and wondered whether there are other civilisations out there. If there are, how different would they look from ours? Will the landscape be entirely different or similar to ours?

This is my first time trying out AI generated art. I used the VQGAN+CLIP software running on Google Colab for all the images and video generated below. The prompts are mine, but the images and video (a timelapse) are all AI generated.

A big shout out and thanks to @jotakrevs for his posts and pointing me in the right direction in one of his comments. Thanks a lot! I really am having fun with this!

Here are the images I was able to generate :

It is a reiterative process with each image slightly different.

The images at the end seem to have more definition.

This last image however seems to lose definition in some parts.

Here is the timelapse video of the whole generation of images and it sure is fascinating to watch!

I am definitely hooked to this and can't wait to see what more can be done with AI assisted art generation techniques. See you in the next one!