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River Nymph for Splinterlands Artcontest

Hello, hivers!

I’m coming back with art contest participating, that is so motivating and contributing to skills growing.

This time River Nymph was chosen as the hero. And I added illustrative style in the environment. There’s not so much time to make the work at the best I can, but I hope with my Lilo growing up my timing will be better and we will see it in my future works. Also as I am drawing in different programs on tablet (procreate) and smartphone (Infinite painter) everywhere I can I hope that soon I will have two weeks for each art contest.

So this time I started as usual with a sketch

After I made basic coloring trying to keep color perspective

Then I added main lines with darker colours to be able to avoid line finalizing and with all the objects on different layers I slightly changed composition to get the Nymph closer and more distinguished.

And then I made main correction of the hero for her to look nice and attract attention of the viewer from the background. Made a bridge more saturated and the background less, so that we know where to look.

I see that many art contest participants trace clip studio models and, of course, anatomy is much better this way, but I suppose that I need anatomy practice and it’s much better for me to sit and think about shoulders or legs, even if I stylize them and simplify.

So here is the final version, thank you so much for reading!