Little witch


I'd like to share the illustration that I tried to make in vintage style.

It's the first page of a sketchbook which I bought several days before invasion, and since I left all the watercolours at home, this sketchbook was waiting for me as well.

Its cover is made of stone to push papers togerher, and 100% cotton papers. Maybe of Fabriano brend, this I don’t remember exactly, but working on it is very comfortable and pleasant.

Again I think to make illustrated fairytales books in the style close to this one. It shouldn't be so time consuming as with digitals and the style is charming itself.

And orange, turquose and indigo colours work together wonderfully.

Further the process fotos are: sketch, background and basic colours, contrast and details, and final highlights and coloured pencils.

Thank you for watching! I'm trying to be in touch :)

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