Untitled art / playing with some glitch techniques


I made this art a while ago, it's a collage using an AI face from wombo dream and some layering blend modes.

Here is the full still art which is presently untitled.


I often use the apps mirror lab and glitch lab to modify parts/layers and they have a cool function where you can distort the image in various ways and add keyframes then export a video. I played around with it and exported tons of videos this weekend, unfortunately I can't share them all here as I need to convert to GIF then compress to get them working on Peakd which is pretty time consuming.

Here are two of the ones I liked the most, the colors are very bright and striking but I also love the very contrasty black and white version, decisions, decisions :p

Here's a higher quality version, I also uploaded the black and white one in higher quality to twitter but the video is glitching out at the moment for me so I'm not sure if other people can see it LOL. :

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