Week 278 | My Splinterlands Art Contest Entry | Lyanna Natura

Hello! ✨

How is everyone? 😊 My chosen card for this week is Lyanna Natura.



Art Process

Lyanna Natura7.png

Lyanna Natura6.png

Sketching the pose is very hard as I am not familiar. The hands were drawn in separate layers for it is easier to adjust. Next, the lineart took most of the time of back and fort lining. Using different weights of the line emphasized the details like the branch's groves around her hip.

Lyanna Natura5.png

Lyanna Natura4.png

By copying the color of the card, I can easily apply the base color. I just adjusted the saturatio. I worked my eyes patiently to put the expression that I wanted. I love how it turned out well.

Lyanna Natura3.png

Lyanna Natura2.png

Using a soft brush, I started working on the shadows, especially on the arm accessory. On another layer, I intensified the shadowing and the lighting. For the hair, I used a soft flat brush and a blur brush. The same goes for the arm accessory, and the flower on top of her head.

Final Art

The background is a gradient of blue sky with soft, fluffy clouds. Using a downloaded brush, I can easily make clouds. I just used the eraser mode to clean the edges to make it more natural. Lastly, I put a hill with grass for extra detail.
Lyanna Natura1.png

Finished art! 💖


Software: Clip Studio Paint Pro

That is it for this art blog. I will see you at the next one!
📸 All photos are owned and taken by me, otherwise credited. Dividers by
nane-qts. ©️jijisaurart

💖 NFT Showroom: nftshowroom.com
🖌 Open for commissions!!!


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