Week 256 | My Splinterlands Art Contest Entry | Astral Entity

Hello! πŸ’«

For this week, I chose Astral Entity. 😁 This card is giving me galaxy and stars vibes~ 😍 For this card, I took a break from my usual art style.

Just wanna share 😁 While browsing some historical art, (Because of the new Alien Art Hive Art Challenge) I stumbled upon the world of pointillism. In my understanding, it is a technique of painting using tiny dots to form a shape or image. I can compare this to pixels in digital art. One of the famous artists who used this technique is Vincent van Gogh. I got some inspo from this technique in making the swirls and the galaxies.😁





The first step is to sketch the concept. I simply find a somewhat floating pose for the character. For the background, I thought of galaxies, clouds, and stars.

I chose a dark purple for the color base of the body and a cyan color for the lineart. The eyes are just in separate layer, just copy and paste the other one so that it is symmetrical. I also added some smoke-like on the head and on the arms.



On the base color of the body, I clipped another layer and used an airbrush to make a gradient of light purple on the head, upper body, and hands. For the clouds, I used a downloaded cloud brush from the asset store. On the first layer, I make random puffs of clouds. Second layer, I highlighted them with dark pink and fixed them using the same brush in eraser mode. Lastly, I gave the clouds some highlights.



The swirls are not particularly dots, it is like a textured brush that creates shapes and put them together to make a bigger picture. I do not have a pattern for the swirls, and just go with the flow~ For faster work, I copied and pasted and mirrored it to also make it appear symmetrical. I added the stars randomly in the background.

Final Art


In this part, I added the galaxies. If you really zoom in, it is a collection of tiny dots. I just used a brush called "glitter" and set the particle size. I copy pasted the galaxies and put them all into one folder. To make the glow, I used an airbrush in soft mode. I also did the same process with the body, combining blue and purple dots. Lastly, I put some stars and used airbrush for the glow.

Finished art!! πŸ₯° I enjoyed doing this art.

Thanks for reading~ πŸ’–

Software: Clip Studio Paint Pro

That is it for this art blog. I will see you at the next one!
πŸ“Έ All photos are owned and taken by me, otherwise credited.
Reference here

πŸ‘Ύ NFT Showroom: nftshowroom.com/jijisaurart
πŸ₯° Open for commissions!!!

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