Lava Spider Fan Art - Splinterlands Art Contest Week 251


Lava Spider Fan art submission to Splinterlands Art Contest.

Render Final_FInal.png

The Creation of Lava Spider Artwork

Hello everyone and friends😁
I'd like to share to you my Art entry of the weekly contest in Splinterlands. You could join the Contest by clicking this LINK HERE

Join me walk through the process of creation and hope you have fun as the art progress from the start to finish.


Card Reference:

Lava Spider.png


Digital Art Creation Process


An easy way to make a rough sketch is through thumbnail. Because I am doing it in a small size I could easily sketch the idea that I am putting into the illustration. Without minding the other details I am just doing the scene of the spider here. And so I continued the next process.

Rough Thumbnail.png

Then, I scale the thumbnail fit to my canvass and start to add clear readable creature here. I still want to correct its pose including its features, like the face, arms and body. I also imagine the background where it is in a lava cave.

Rough Sketch.png

Next thing I did, is the values here where the one in the foreground are much darker than the ones at the farther view or the background. I still need to correct the value of the spider though because I want it to be the focal point. But, I did that on the later part of the illustration and well that is a bad practice though I learn from that.


I moved on the coloring stage after this.

Coloring Stage

Now I dive in to color. I add the base color of the surrounding and the spider here, with only one layer on top set to multiply and if I want to lighten some parts I then add another layer set to overlay. This is how it looks after.


Here, I add some details to the background and spider to increase its readability.

Color details.png

I'm happy with the result and this time I want to render it now. I proceed to my next and final step.

Final Touch and Render

We are now at the end of the Stage/Process. To make it easy for me to color each subject, I separate the spider to its background by using lasso tool on Photoshop.

I try to define the shapes and pop out the forms of the spider here. For the background I increase its saturation and also add a bit blues to compliment with the reds. Adding details for the background of lava.


In this stage here, I was playing with the color balance. I really want to make the spider pop out so I reduced the redness of the background and give room for the spider to have a saturated feeling. Also by giving the background a super light did increase the readability of the spider's silhouette.


Lastly, just some minor adjustment to the spider design and final tweak with the background. And, there I have it my final output.

Render Final_FInal.png

That's it we're done!
Take the time to also watch its gif process from start to finish😁


You made it to the end of this post. I really appreciate your time and attention. Keep up the good work and have fun! Until next art illustration stay tuned😁

Thank you very much!
I'm starting to compile my artworks here. Feel free to view link below.

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